Wednesday 28 September 2011

So, what are the 16 things?

I can't do things the straight way.

The second any task begins to feel like it is on a linear path, I have to break it up somehow. Even as I write this, I'm drawn to get up and tend to something else, or look up something online.

Any big task looms so large in my mind I am intimidated at the onset. So I make everything into a game, like the one I use with cleaning. I live in a huge house, so I make a deal with myself to attack a finite number of items in each room, increasing the number in each room until I get to 20, at which point the place looks pretty tidy, so I begin the same process with actual cleaning. I end up with a place I can live with, and if I get distracted along the way it is not so hard to go back to it. The rest of the family doesn't seem to mind, and if I look a little insane doing it, so be it.